Sunday, April 26, 2020

from Survive to Thrive: Week 25

Welcome to from Survive to Thrive: Week 25.

I felt balanced and tranquil this week. I wrapped up April's Happiness Project activities, colored, hunted for puzzles online, and got back into the running groove.

Let's review my week...

Sunday, April 19, 2020

from Survive to Thrive: Week 24

Welcome to from Survive to Thrive: Week 24.

Overall, I had a good week. I did some decluttering, focused on fitness, and found joy in unexpected places.

Let's review my week...

Sunday, April 12, 2020

from Survive to Thrive: Week 23

Welcome to from Survive to Thrive: Week 23.

My staycation was joyful and rejuvenating, filled with yoga & walks, coloring, LEGO, and connection with family & friends.

Let's review my week...

Sunday, April 5, 2020

from Survive to Thrive: Week 22

Welcome to from Survive to Thrive: Week 22.

If I'm being honest, this week often felt more like surviving than thriving. The uncertainty and loss of control in our COVID-19 world is getting to me. I had a major meltdown on Friday, but I'm building resilience and bouncing back.

Let's review my week...