Sunday, December 1, 2019

from Survive to Thrive: Week 4

Welcome to from Survive to Thrive: Week 4!

This week I had a great life coaching session and I've started implementing a consistent morning routine. I also celebrated Thanksgiving and my birthday with friends and family.

Let's review my week...

Real Appeal Week 49 

Week 49 of Real Appeal included a review of how to set SMART goals. I only have one more week of Real Appeal left!

Life Coaching

I had a great session with Elena on Tuesday. One of the things I had intended to do after our last session, but promptly forgot, was starting a consistent morning routine. It was noteworthy to me that I remembered the work-related goal (pick one night to stay off of my work email), but completely forgot the personal-growth goal.

To help me remember in the future, we talked about why it mattered to me. I said that following a morning routine was a tool that would help me get out of survival mode and move toward thriving.

We did a visualization and I imagined my morning routine as a bridge to help me get from one place (survival) to the other (thriving). After our session, I found a picture and edited it to match my visualization, and made it the wallpaper on my computer to remind me of the importance of developing tools to get me across that bridge.

the bridge between "survive" and "thrive"

Morning Routine

I started my morning routine the following day. It's similar to a routine that I started back in April, and stopped for reasons I cannot remember. I'm using the Morning Sidekick Journal and generally following this routine:
  • get up without hitting snooze and make my bed
  • drink hot water with lemon while writing in the journal
  • meditate
  • say positive affirmations while doing a power pose
So far I've followed this routine every day for five days, and only hit the snooze button once. It feels good!

Headspace has a feature that
allows you to meditate with
other people


It was a week of celebrations: I enjoyed the Reston Runners' Thanksgiving run/walk with my son & my friend Jen, a Thanksgiving meal with my brother's family, and celebrated my birthday with my friends Jen & Shannon, as well as with my family. Jen is also my yoga accountability buddy, so we've seen each other 4 times this week!

Thanksgiving walk with Jen & Freddy

Thanksgiving meal at Wildfire

Birthday flowers from my dad & stepmother

Looking Ahead

I have a busy work week ahead, but have a vacation day planned for Friday. My goals for the week are:
  1. Track everything I eat in MyFitnessPal (starting on Monday)
  2. Do my morning routine every day
  3. Run at least once, do yoga at least once, strength train once
  4. No work on one weekend day (either Saturday or Sunday)

See you next week! 


Accountability: Health Stats

weight: 114.2
body fat: 28.2%
average steps: 8,266
average sleep: 9h 1m
average stress: 14
run/walk: 7.0 miles
yoga: 2 sessions

Accountability: Goal Check

Goal: Track everything I eat in MyFitnessPal
Status: I tracked Sunday-Wednesday, but stopped on Thanksgiving and haven't gotten back on track.

Goal: Make realistic to-do lists at work and home each day
Status: Achieved

Goal: Run at least twice, do yoga at least twice
Status: Achieved

Goal: No work on Thanksgiving (Thursday) or my birthday (Saturday)
Status: Achieved. I worked all the other days, including my vacation day on Tuesday and the holiday on Friday, but I was able to completely disconnect for Thanksgiving and my birthday.

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