Saturday, May 25, 2019

Invest in Myself: Week 22

Welcome to the recap of Invest in Myself, Week 22.

Work took over my life this week with a multi-day conference in New Orleans and a multitude of moving pieces and deliverables for various projects at work.

Let's review my week...

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Invest in Myself: Week 21

Welcome to the recap of Invest in Myself, Week 21.

This week has been rough. I'm in the midst of a multi-week busy period at work which is taking a disproportionate share of my energy, and I caught a miserable cold that is also taking a toll on my reserves.

Let's review my week...

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Invest in Myself: Week 20

Welcome to the recap of Invest in Myself, Week 20.

This week started out fairly calm but got crazier as the week went on. I'm so glad it's finally the weekend!

Let's review my week...

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Invest in Myself: Week 19

Welcome to the recap of Invest in Myself, Week 19.

As predicted last week, this week was indeed steadily busy. I stuck to my plans and saw more progress on the scale.

Let's review my week...