Sunday, October 6, 2019

Invest in Myself: Week 41

Welcome to the recap of Invest in Myself, Week 41.

I finally broke my recent weight-gain trend this week.

Let's review my week...

Motivation & Accountability

I maintained my weight this week. Halting the weight gain trends is a good thing. Next week, I'd like to see the beginning of a weight loss trend.

During week 41 of Real Appeal, we focused on overcoming emotional roadblocks that stand in the way of long-term success. I suspect that I have a subconscious emotional roadblock that's behind my recent weight-gain trend. I haven't identified it yet, but I'm spending time trying to figure it out. An example of an emotional roadblock is: "I always thought that after I lost weight, my life would be perfect."


I tracked everything and ate mostly healthy, filling food. I did have some treats, but they were fewer and farther between than they have been. I'll continue this downward trend when it comes to sweet treats.


I ran once, I walked once, I did yoga once, and I played "Just Dance" with my son once. Fun fact - my Garmin thought I was swimming when I was playing Just Dance.


Like last week, I got good sleep and maintained a reasonable stress level most days. I've been working on reframing the way I think about stress as I'm read Richard Citrin's book "The Resilience Advantage." I tend to automatically think that stress is a negative, and something to be avoided or managed. I'm working on thinking of it differently and building resilience so I can handle stress more easily and emerge from it stronger.

Our Happiness Project focus for October is body. The goals for this month are very much aligned with the goals of the Real Appeal program, so it will be a good reinforcement. Next month I'm going to see the creator of the Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin, and her sister at a live event called Happier Hour. I have VIP tickets and I'm going with my friend Kathryn. It's an early birthday present to myself!

A reminder from my Mom - thanks, Mom!

Looking Ahead

This week looks fairly balanced. I'm going to focus on staying in the moment and building resilience.

See you next week! 

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