Sunday, November 3, 2019

Invest in Myself: Week 45

Welcome to the recap of Invest in Myself, Week 45.

It's been a full week from a screening colonoscopy to accolades at work to trick-or-treating to coloring with a friend.

Let's review my week...

Motivation & Accountability

I'm up a smidge this week. Colonoscopy prep left me so hungry...there is only so much broth, gatorade, and jello one can consume. I overcompensated afterwards with too much Halloween candy, and it shows on the scale.

During week 45 of Real Appeal, we focused on common exercise myths. None of these were new to me, but it's always nice to have a reminder. It especially helps me to remember that we don't have to exercise 30 minutes at a time for it to count; smaller bursts of exercise throughout the day add up, too.


I hardly tracked my food at all this week. I ate so little during colonscopy prep that it seemed silly to track it, and then I ate so much in the days following that I didn't want to track it and admit to myself how much I was eating. This week I will get back to tracking everything.


I did yoga once this week and that was it for exercise. The colonoscopy prep and post-procedure exhaustion wiped out half my week, and the other half was heavily consumed by work. Just making it to yoga once was a win for me.


Did I mention I had a colonoscopy? I've been putting this off and rescheduling it for months. It felt good to finally check if off my list and I don't have to do it for another ten years now.

Trick-or-treating was hectic this year. I had to go into the city for an important end of the day meeting, so I didn't get home until late. Thunderstorms were on the horizon, so we were rushing to beat the storms. It was also 75 degrees out, so our cozy costumes were a bit warm.

On Saturday I met my friend Michelle for a luxuriously long 3 hours of coloring and catching up. It was cathartic, relaxing, and uplifting all at once.

Looking Ahead

I have one more week of Real Appeal with my current coach, then my class is shifting to a new day with a new coach. I think I will have almost a month with the new coach before the platform closes down. I'm still frustrated that I won't get the closure of officially finishing the program, but I'm coming to terms with it.

This week is the start of three weeks of travel and conferences for work. My dad is going to help us out a lot while I'm traveling, for which I am truly grateful. I need to focus on staying mindful of the choices I'm making and the thoughts I am thinking. Staying present will help me to stay grounded and successful in sticking to my health goals.

See you next week! 

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